Suggestions by Jorge Curval

Suggestions by Jorge Curval


Born in Porto in 1958, Jorge Curval has participated in individual and collective exhibitions in Portugal and in countries such as Greece, Brazil, France and Spain. His favorite places in Porto reflect his love for art but also represent his constant search for innovation. This artist, is also a teacher and, above all, a lover of the good things in life.

Jorge Curval attended the Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto and since the mid 80’s that his work has been exhibited in galleries and events inside and outside Portugal. He has contributions in public and private collections, whilst dedicating part of his career to sharing knowledge.

Since 1997 he has taught Plastic Arts at the Faculdade Senior in Porto. Between 2001/2004 he taught plastic arts workshops at the Soares dos Reis National Museum in Oporto. Responsible for the Painting Workshops at the Museum of Memory of Vila do Conde and at the Palácio das Artes Foundation of the Youth of Porto. Painter, sculptor, designer and bon vivant, Jorge Curval suggests places in Porto dominated by art but without ever forgetting the outdoors to enjoy the tranquility and the landscape.




In the summer, Base for its heterogeneous environment, its good atmosphere, for providing us with pure oxygen, being outdoors, and music. During winter, Bonaparte in Baixa, for its cosy decor and heterogeneity of people, with a mixture of different age groups and countries of origin.


Digby, at the Hotel Torel Avantgarde, because in addition to feeling at home I enjoy a unique view of the Rio Douro and a carefully curated gastronomy to the flavours of the whole world.

City Tour:

Enjoy and walk in the city park, with its diverse land, sea and forest. It is undoubtedly one of the most comprehensive parks in the world.



The Exiled, at the Soares dos Reis Museum. I lived for 3 years as a supervisor of plastic arts workshops at this Museum and found this sculpture to be a perfect example of the Portuguese Romanticism.


Instrument of music 1915-16, by Amadeu de Souza Cardoso from the private collection of the National Museum of Soares dos Reis.


National Theater of São João, for being so classical and well recovered. It is to me a bookplate of the city. Not neglecting the Casa da Música and Serralves.

A secret of the city:

Situated behind the Palace of Justice, the Garden or Horto das Virtudes develops in terraces, allowing an excellent perspective on the Douro River and the imposing Alfândega do Porto. It is not a very well known or visited garden and whenever I visit it, I feel that it is like a secret in the city.


(Visited 3,687 times, 2 visits today)
13 March, 2018 /

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