

ESN Porto helps students discover the city

Founded in 1991, the Erasmus Student Network Porto (ESN Porto) introduces foreign students to Portugal and its culture.

ESN Porto currently receives approximately 3,000 foreign students, making them take full advantage of not only the time they are in another country, but also the culture of the place where they are studying and living.

ESN’s activity is organized in eight departments, promoting, for example, weekly events, which can be sports tournaments, night outs or even traditional cooking workshops. Trips are also organized so that foreign students can get to know some of the most beautiful places in Portugal.

Thematic parties are another form of integration and convivial association, which also works with a wide network of partners, so that ESNCard holders can enjoy discounts on travel, dental treatment, restaurants, etc.

ESN Porto also promotes volunteering among its members, covering three areas: social solidarity, environment and education.


Praça Gomes Teixeira SN

Rector of the University of Porto

Room 500 – Porto

(Visited 500 times, 1 visits today)
6 November, 2017 /

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