VO.U. – Associação de Voluntariado Universitário

VO.U. – Associação de Voluntariado Universitário

VO.U. – Associação de Voluntariado Universitário is a non-profit organization which was founded in 2008, as an offspring of a group of students’ strong convictions in changing the world.

We believe in the concept of Solidary Superior Education, working for the promotion of tolerance, equality and reciprocity between each and every member of our society. Therefore, our volunteers act in a multidisciplinary way: form the children to the elderly; from the animals to their natural habitat; from dancing to public health.

Curious? Join us in this big adventure, and aim to fly higher! Deep down you may be a warrior, a genius, a nature lover, a peaceful soul or even a compulsive kisser. All of that is amazing, and what matters is your courage to help make this change real!

Eu VO.U. (I’m going), what about You?

(Visited 473 times, 1 visits today)
6 November, 2017 /

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